Report your concern here
If you know or suspect any employee of Alphonsa Cashew Industries or third party working on behalf of Alphonsa Cashew Industries is engaging in conduct that violates Alphonsa Cashew Industries’ values, policies or national laws and regulations it is important to report this. Speaking up is important and the right thing to do.
Alphonsa Cashew Industries offers its reporting mechanisms to anyone outside the organisation that becomes aware of (potential) misconduct related to Alphonsa Cashew Industries.
What concerns can be reported?
Company Account
Incomplete or inappropriate disclosure of inaccurate / misrepresented financial records, funds, assets and transactions, any activity related to market manipulation and stock fraud.
Financial Fraud
Company / Personal Property Theft, Fraudulent Plans, Fraudulent Expenses, Inaccurate Time Management, etc.
Bribery / Corruption
Bribes / Kickbacks / Inappropriate Gifts or Gratuities Closed, Promised, Accepted, Accepted or Promised Corrupt Business Training, Bid Collusion.
Ethics / Business Integrity
Violations of any company policy, conflict of interest, product subversion, food security, forgery of documents, breach of storage, breach of sanctions, breach of trade
Human Resource / Workplace Concerns
Sexual harassment, discrimination, misconduct of manager / co-worker, alcohol and controlled substance use (abuse or possession), salary and benefits, any kind of abuse, exploitation or intimidation, any kind of discrimination, misuse or damage to company resources
Environment, Health & Safety
Condition of any workplace where the health, safety and well-being of employees, customers, vendors or visitors may be compromised or at risk.
Law / Regulations
Violation of any state or national law, such as breach of trust, unfair competition, or money laundering.
Security Matters
Threats or Violence in the Workplace, Site Security Violations or Weaknesses, Weapon Possession, Travel Safety Concerns, Criminal Behaviour, and Other Security Concerns.
Any concerns, incidents or violations not described in the above categories.
Please note
Do not use this reporting system for personal retaliation or malicious reporting. If you register a malicious report or fake incident, you may face severe disciplinary action.
Report here
You can either choose to reveal your identity or report anonymously.
Provide as much information and evidence as possible. This is especially important in the case of anonymous reports, as clear information is needed to enable the company to independently evaluate and verify the reported facts.